Using White

The eraser can be used to create a simple white effect. Despite the name white, when dealing with a two tone monochrome, there isn't actually any white color. Areas devoid of black ink are transparent. You can draw in white on a White Layer only in areas where there is an Ink Layer underneath. Therefore, nothing painted on the White Layer will be visible if there is nothing painted on a layer underneath. White layers are useful for applying tones as white tones, and making emanating rays in white.

1. Use the Eraser
• Erase pictures directly with the Eraser.

2. Use a White Layer
• Add a new White Layer (where everything drawn will appear white) and use the Pen to draw over areas you would like to erase. Drawing on the White Layer doesn't affect the actual image; so if you make a mistake, you can just discard the White Layer to restore the original image.